
This is where I share my latest shoots, tidbits from my personal life and random thoughts. Feel free to leave a comment! I love to hear from friends...old & new.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My mood today is...

HAPPY. My husband Matt gets home tonight after being gone for TEN WEEKS! He's been doing some training for his job and I've been counting down the days until he's back in Montana. Now I'm counting down the hours!

Photo by: Brandi Sutherland


Heaven's Eye Phtotography said...

That picture is SO cute...and I am so excited for you and Matt. Enjoy the butterflies in your stomach:) Is that a pic that Steph took? Your gorgeous darling! K

halley said...

Ooh that's so exciting!! I've never met him but say hi for me! lol

Anonymous said...

Kathy--I wish i had taken it ...very cute. Boo...post one of those pictures I took of you in that cute dress Cin. You look adorable!!! Good job Brandi. SS

Anonymous said...

you look as beautiful as ever!! so glad matt is coming home. we leave sunday for florida. jeff has been here helping, godsend!!!! big hugs and i will keep stalking!!!xoxo

Anonymous said...

hooray! have fun