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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

My mom doesn't bake chocolate chip cookies. But she makes the best seaweed soup in the world. My mom doesn't send me care packages filled with goodies and love notes. But she sends me practical things like a foot/calf massager because she knows I'm always on my feet. My mom is sassy, funny and loud. She is also insanely loving, selfless and giving. Here's a photo of her when she was about my age. I have it framed in my living room. It makes me smile. :)

My mother-in-law also brightens up my life. She paints the most beautiful dolls you've ever seen, whips up the yummiest Swedish pancakes and instantly warms up any home. Her idea of a perfect day is to be surrounded by her children and 16 grandchildren. She revels in telling stories of the good ol' days and, of course, when Matt was a little kid. This woman has so much patience, she actually took the time to teach me how to make homemade pie crust. She has the softest heart and the softest hugs.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there! Thank you for everything you do!


Anonymous said...

Awww man, I want some seaweed soup!! And some kimchee! I miss your mom's food sooooo much. Yummy!! We are gonna have to make some in Vermont. S.S.

Heaven's Eye Phtotography said...

Well this explains a lot about you! Gorgeous, funny, loving, you must be a little carbon copy:) You have inspired me to find one of my favorite shots of my mom and blow it up for my house. K

Anonymous said...

you are a spitting image of your mama...and you must be exactly like her as well! i love this pic!